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Mission 2025

The REMBE® rad-net team offers young and talented athletes from Germany an environment in which they can take part in international competitions and develop. In close cooperation with the NRW state association, we are striving to further develop the project, would like to recommend ourselves for further tasks in the future and present the brand more prominently and on a larger scale with our supporters.

Certainly in the fast lane:

The REMBE® journey of a young and curious road bike team.

HeY cycling fans!
Today we would like to take you on a journey - the journey of a wild and curious racing bike team from the Sauerland Area in the heart of Germany. In a world where speed, endurance and team spirit set the tone, we put something on top: fighting spirit, will to win and success.
Starting point: Fighting spirit (German "Kampfgeist")
Every great journey begins with a passion - in our entire team it is the love of cycling. Our team consists of highly motivated drivers, enthusiastic sponsors, experienced leaders and hungry talents who do not count the kilometers, but fight for every inch of success.
A strong will to win (German "Siegeswille") - the way to perfection.
In the world of road cycling, it's not just about pedaling. It's about dedication, about the constant search for perfection. From the right equipment to the optimal driving technique to mental strength and nutrition - we are constantly looking for ways to improve. In our blog, we share our discoveries and experiences to inspire other cycling enthusiasts - like you.
The first success is to accept the challenges.
A journey without challenges is not a journey for us. We face steep climbs, windy days and unpredictable weather, just everything for which the Sauerland provides us with the perfect conditions unsolicited. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and expand our boundaries. In our blog, we take you to the ups and downs of our adventures - moments of exhaustion, but also pure euphoria, when we hunt for success and conquer countless distance meters.
The roadmap into the future.
Our trip started in 2015 and is currently being raised to another level. We don't get tired of setting ourselves new goals. We explore new routes and remain curious about what is still ahead of us. In our blog you will become part of our Sauerland history - the history of the REMBE Pro Cycling™ Team Sauerland ...
REMBE® Pro Cycling

EXplore us

Pepe Albrecht
Leon Arenz
Moritz Binder
Benjamin Boos
Tobias Buck-Gramcko
Julian Borresch
Felix Groß
Vincent John
Bruno Keßler
Roger Kluge
Jon Knolle
Paul-Felix Petry
Theo Reinhardt
Maxim Roor
Jonathan Rottmann
Ole Theiler
Lennard Voege
Jermaine Zemke
David König
Jens Schuster
Ralf Grabsch
Sports Director
Lucas Liss
Sports Director
Wolfgang Oschwald
Sports Director
Fabian Peplau
Sports Director
Lucas Schädlich
Sports Director
Yasmina Kühnel
Mareike Engelbrecht
Tommaso Fontana
Uli Müller
Team Management
Jörg Scherf
Team Management
Heiko Volkert
Team Management
Jeff Dupley
Ambassador North America

Successes in team history

Three times Bundesliga overall winner,
once German champion team time trial.
Numerous top 10 placements in international races such as Deutschland Tour, Tour of Japan, Tour de Azerbaijan, Tour de Maroc, Tour of Turkey, Baltic Chain Tour etc.
  • Winner of the NRW Straße Championship several times
  • Stage winner Morocco tour
  • King of the Lake Attersee Julian Braun 2020-2022
  • Cycling Bundesliga team ranking 2021
  • German Champion Team Time Trial 2021
  • Cycling Bundesliga team ranking 2022
  • Cycling Bundesliga driver classification with Jon Knolle 2022
  • Cycling Bundesliga winner sprint and mountain classification 2022
  • German runner-up team time trial 2022
  • German Mountain Driving Champion Johannes Adamietz 2022
German team champion time trial

1st Cycling Bundesliga team ranking
1st “best young rider” Germany Tour 1st stage Jon Knolle
1. King of the Lake Attersee Austria Julian Braun
1. Sprintcl. Giro della Friuli Italy Michiel Stockman
1st Westphalia Championship Jon Knolle

2nd on 3rd stage Giro della Friuli Italy Michiel Stockmann
2. Main Spessart tour Lars Kulbe
2. Sauerland tour Michiel Stockman
2nd Berghler circuit race Ulm Michiel Stockman
2nd Bundesliga individual driver ranking Jon Knolle

3. Trofeo Alcide Italy Jon Knolle
3. Chrono Nations France Jon Knolle
3. Main Spessart tour Johannes Hodapp
3rd GP Bellegem Belgium Michel Giesselmann
3rd Westphalia Championship Johannes Hodapp
3rd DM Berg Elite Johannes Adamietz
3rd place DM Berg U23 Michel Giesselmann

4. Sauerland tour Abram Stockman
4th Sauerland Mountain Prize Abram Stockman

5. Möbel Rück Preis Oberhausen Jon Knolle
5. Erzgebirge tour Johannes Adamietz

6. GP Raf Jonckheere Belgium Abram Stockman
6th time trial DM Johannes Hodapp
6. 3. Stage Tour of Rhodes Johannes Hodapp
6th Gippingen Cycling Days Switzerland Johannes Hodapp
6th Sauerland Mountain Prize Johannes Adamietz
6. Orlen Nations GP Poland Johannes Hodapp

7. GP Lucien van Impe Belgium Abram Stockman
7. Möbel Rück Preis Oberhausen Tim Neffgen
7th on 3rd Stage Tour of Rhodes Johannes Hodapp
7th on 4th Stage Tour of Turkey Lars Kulbe
7th Sauerland Mountain Prize Michel Giesselmann

8. Chrono Nations France Ole Theiler
8. General Cl Tour of Rhodes Johannes Hodapp

9. GP Voralberg Austria Michiel Stockman
9. Main Spessart tour Michiel Stockmann
9. Ronde by Drenthe Netherlands Jon Knolle

10th on 3rd Stage Germany Tour Johannes Hodapp
10. DM Street U23 Jon Knolle
10th on 1st Stage Tour of Rhodes Johannes Hodapp
10th Johannes Hodapp Sauerland Mountain Prize
10th GP Flathaut Belgium Ole Theiler

13. Paris Tours Jon Knolle France
1. GP Andre Flahaut Belgium P. Münstermann
1. German Champion Berg J. Adamietz
1. Bundesliga team ranking
1. Bundesliga individual driver J. Knolle
1. Bundesliga best mountain rider Abram Stockman
1. Bundesliga best sprinter Michiel Stockman
1. Kraichgau Cycling Race Bundesliga J. Knolle
1. Alb Race J. Adamietz
1. King of the Lake Attersee Austria J. Braun
1. Westphalia Championship J. Knolle
1. Segmüller GP Cologne J. Borresch
1. NRW Championship MTB Cross Country U23 L. Voege

2. German Championship Team Time Trial
2. Sauerland Mountain Prize Bundesliga J. Adamietz
2. Great Silver Pils Prize Bellheim A. Stockman
2. State Championship Road Baden Württemberg J. Adamietz
2. Volksbank Giro Cologne Jon Knolle
2. International Championship of Dortmund Jon Knolle
2. European Cup Croatia Downhill MTB Jesse Schulte

3. Gr. Prize of the Southern Wine Route Bundesliga M.Stockman
3. GP Gippingen Switzerland M. Stockman
3. Wheel am Ring Bundesliga J. Adamietz
3. Around Sebnitz Bundesliga J.Knolle
3. DM track team pursuit
3. Kellerwald MTB Marathon L. Voege
3. German Downhill Cup Willingen J. Schulte
3. University Cycling Race Wuppertal L. Voege

4. Canadian Championship Road U23 E. Russel
4. Criterium VC Eclair Serre Switzerland D. Weiss
4. GP Gippingen Switzerland J. Adamietz
4. Kraichgau Cycling Race Bundesliga J. Adamietz
4. State Road Championship NRW S. Koech

5. GP Eugeen Roggeman Belgium M. Stockman
5. Heusden Koers Belgium A. Stockman
5. GP Gippingen Switzerland J. Knolle
5. Erzgebirge Tour Bundesliga M. Stockman
5. Kraichgauer Cycling Race Bundesliga A. Stockman
5. Shark Attack Bike Festival MTB L. Voege
5. Great Silver Pils Prize Bellheim D. Weiss

6. Rad am Ring Bundesliga J. Borresch
6. Around Sebnitz Bundesliga A. Stockman
6. Around in Krefeld J. Knolle
6. Alb Race J. Borresch
6. German Downhill Cup Winterberg J. Schulte
6. GP Crevoisier Switzerland D. Weiss

7. Tour of Sibiu Romania overall ranking J. Adamietz
7. GP Gippingen Switzerland A. Stockman
7. Rad am Ring Bundesliga A. Stockman
7. Sauerländer Berpreis J. Knolle
7. Erzgebirge Tour Bundesliga J. Knolle
7. Vilvoorde Houtem Belgium M. Stockman

8. GP Eugeen Roggeman Belgium A. Stockman
8. 2. stage Tour of Antalya Türkiye A. Stockman
8. European Cup Semering Downhill J. Schulte
8. Pollare Ninove Belgium A. Stockman
8. Around Sebnitz Bundesliga M. Stockman
8. Kraichgauer Cycling Race Bundesliga M. Stockman
8. Attendorner Old Town Night J. Adamietz
8. DM time trial U23 J. Borresch
8. Swiss Championship Time Trial D. Weiss
8. Stage 3 Tour of Rwanda M. Stockman

9. University Cycling Race Wuppertal S. Koech
9. Prize of the City of Neuss S. Koech
9. GP Gippingen Switzerland A. Stockman
9. Grand Prix of the Southern Wine Route Bundesliga P. Münstermann

10. Around Sebnitz Bundesliga J. Borresch
10. Sauerland Mountain Prize M. Stockman
10. Erzgebirge Tour Bundesliga J. Adamietz
1. place NRW Championship Dominik Bauer
1. Round in Steinfurt, Jonathan Rottmann
1. Three Valleys MTB Marathon, Lennart Voege
1. Kellerwald MTB Marathon Lennart Voege
1. place “Labor Day”, Julian Braun

2. place King of the Lake, Attersee, Austria, Julian Braun
2. Around the Kö, Düsseldorf, Dominik Bauer
2. Segmuller GP, Dominik Bauer
2. Erzgebirge tour, Dominik Bauer
2. University Cycling Race, Wuppertal, Julian Borresch
2. Mountain Championship NRW Bilster Berg, Julian Borresch
2. German Championship Track Team Pursuit, Jan Temmen
2. German Championship Track Team Pursuit, Jonathan Rottmann

4. AZIS SHUSHA Azerbaijan tour 2. stage, Lennart Voege
4. AZIS SHUSHA Azerbaijan tour 3. stage, Jan Temmen
4. MTB Colina Triste, Santa Domingo, Spain, Lennart Voege
4. 88 X Around Marktallee Münster. Henri Appelbaum
4. Winterberg Dirt Bike Festival Downhill, Jesse Schulte
4. Volksbank Giro Cologne, Jonathan Rottmann
4. University Cycling Race, Wuppertal, Dominik Bauer

5. AZIS SHUSHA Azerbaijan tour 3. stage, Dominik Weiss
5. place Spring Prize Dominik Bauer
5. place NRW Championship, Julian Borresch
5. place University Cycling Race, Wuppertal, Henri Appelbaum
5. German Downhill Championship, Jesse Schulte
5. place, Ilmenau Downhill Cup, Jesse Schulte
5. place, Bellwald, Downhill Cup, Jesse Schulte

6. NRW Championship, Jonathan Rottmann

7. Tour de Okinawa, Japan, Julian Borresch
7. Swiss Championship Time Trial U23, Dominik Weiss
7. place German Championship U23 time trial Julian Borresch
7. Grippiger Cycling Days Switzerland, Dominik Bauer
7. place Bocholt 800, Dominik Bauer
7. Around the Kö, Düsseldorf, Jan Temmen
7. Round in Steinfurt, Jan Temmen
7. place Steinach, Downhill Cup Steinach, Jesse Schulte

8. Tour de Neuss, Dominik Bauer
8. place NRW Championship Jan Temmen

9. Istrian Spring Trophy 1. stage, Jonathan Rottmann
9. International Championship Dortmund, Julian Borresch

10. Bocholt 800, Julian Borresch
10. AZIS SHUSHA Azerbaijan tour young talent classification, Yago Aguirre
14. – August 18
Paul Wright, overall winner in the sprint classification at the Tour of Romania
Henri Appelbaum, 10th place overall 2nd place in the team ranking

18. August
Julian Borresch, participation in the Tour de l'Avenir - is considered the Tour de France for U23 riders

29. - June 30
Julian Borresch, 3rd place at the U23 German Championships

26. May
Julian Borresch, wins mountain classification at Rund um Köln

30. March
Lennart Voege, 1st place at Cologne Classics

16. March
Sebastien Niehues & Silas Koech win NRW mountain championships

11. - March 14
Julian Borresch, 5th place overall at the Tour de Taiwan

8. - February 11th
Paul Wright wins the green jersey (intermediate sprint classification) of the 1st stage of the Tour of Antalya
  • German championship in the team time trial gold team classification
  • Tour of Romania: Overall winner in the sprint classification, Paul Wright, 10th place in the overall classification, Henri Appelbaum 2nd place in the team classification
  • Tour de l’Avenir: Participation by Julian Borresch (Tour de France for U23 riders)
  • U23 German Championships: 3rd place, Julian Borresch
  • Around Cologne: Victory in the mountain classification, Julian Borresch
  • Cologne Classics: 1st place, Lennart Voege
  • NRW Mountain Championships: Victories for Sebastien Niehues & Silas Koech
  • Tour de Taiwan: 5th place overall, Julian Borresch
  • Tour of Antalya: Green jersey (points leader) on stage 1, Paul Wright

Race calendar 2025

... stay tuned – Season is coming ...

Medial Presence

Live broadcast on German TV ARD + ZDF as well as coverage on Eurosport, GCN, WDR or MDR. A total of 750,000 visitors along the route. 732 km of route and 7460 vertical meters through the most beautiful regions of Germany.

Team Sauerland was in the top group every day and thus 30 minutes in the picture and in interviews. Market share of 11.8% on ARD + ZDF (live on TV, not just streamed). Special attention from Eurosport, ARD, ZDF + WDR through the home stages in the Sauerland Region.
Further highlights
WDR Live Münsterland Giro
SWR Live DM professionals,
+ Tour of Turkey, GP Wallonia, GP Leuven, GP Kint and many more.
Print media (articles)
Westfalenpost 41% (run: 438.000), Westfälische Rundschau 39% (438.000), Rennrad 6%, Neue Westfälische 2%, Sauerlandkurier 2%, Schweriner Lokal 2%, Soester Anzeiger 2%, Getränke News 2%, Tour Magazine 2%, WOLL Magazine 2%
Social Media
5.400 Follower Instagram Team
82.409 Follower Instagram drivers together
3071 Follower Facebook Team
2680 Follower Facebook drivers together
Highlight, among others 901,446 views(858,258 accounts reached)
REEL with Warsteiner on Team Instagram page (53,213 average views 18 Reels since 1.1.23)
Currently approx. 4000 clicks in 3 hours on reels, highlights and feeds.
Presence on "TikTok" and "Linked In"
Would you like to rock the World Tour with us as a partner and sponsor and generate more visibility for your company?


Share your enthusiasm with the world. Our Team HoodY is not only made for the street, but also for your social media posts. Tag us with #sauerlandisforlife and let the world know that we are proud, stylish and successful on the road.
Team jersey 2024
Original BIORACER cycling jersey - lightweight, aerodynamic jersey designed for speed, tailored for wearing comfort.
  • Main fabric Speedsilk
  • Side and armpit panels made of Airmesh
  • Wide, elastic power band in the front improves fit
  • Hidden YKK zipper with zipper garage
  • 3 easily accessible back pockets

Available in the shop
Team Hoodie 2024
The new Team HoodY is not just a piece of clothing - it is a symbol of our passion, our team spirit and our love for cycling. Wear it with pride and be ready for many adventures together on the road.
  • Unisex
  • XS to 5XL
  • exklusives BRYLON™ ™-Desygn with REMBE® green color
  • Limited first edition

Available in the shop
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